Jun 30Liked by Brianna Wheeler

I'm so glad you're liking this book! I haven't read it in probably ten years but loved it back then. You've inspired me to reread!!

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yay!! i can't believe i haven't read it before!!

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One of the biggest reasons why I’ve always loved P+P, is that it’s a timeless tale with time stamped packaging. Take away all the things that determine when or where, and we’re left with the very relatable “who”. Lizzie is really a character born not built or made, because her wants and needs are the wants and needs of every girl and woman-and arguably person-who has ever and will ever exist. Like you said “Elizabeth Bennet really is that girl. her character, although written hundreds of years ago, closely resembles many of the traits that are revered as pivotal traits in modern-day femininity: independence, intelligence, and a refusal to be subjugated by societal norms.”

I think those pivotal modern day traits are so revered because they’re old world, modern, and futuristic-they are timeless because time will always value strength through the authenticity of a fully lived, fully embodied existence.

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